Japanese pastry chef makes cute marshmallows

Japanese pastry chef makes cute marshmallows

27 August 2021, 18:18
A source: © fastory.ru
Marshmallows with bizarre dog faces are produced by a confectioner from Japan who works for the Felissimo company. The faces of Shiba Inu dogs are used as prototypes for sweets.

Small, palm-sized marshmallows, moderately sweet. Sourness is added to them due to the use of special syrups. The chocolate filling is placed inside.

It takes a pastry chef several hours to create one such sweetness. First, he prepares a special composition of applesauce. A thickener is added to the boiled mixture, and the molds in the form of dog faces are baked in the oven. Due to the gelatin in the apple, marshmallows keep their shape.

After cooling, the finished molds are painted with paints based on food dyes. The pastry chef tries to convey as much as possible the shade of the dog's hair, features of the muzzle, a cheerful look and a protruding tongue. Japanese marshmallows turn out to be very cute, cheerful and cheerful.

It's fun to squeeze ready-made sweets and watch them return to their original shape. Some parents buy them for their kids for fun. But nobody canceled the desire to eat marshmallows.

The Shiba Inu dog breed is quite popular in Japan. Many owners live the life of their pets so much that they idolize them in every possible way. They take you to beauty salons, buy clothes, snacks. Surely, the marshmallows of the pastry chef from Felissimo did not go unnoticed for them.

Various types of sweets can be bought on the OXO website in the Grocery section.

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru

Photo © fastory.ru
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