Weed masterpieces: craftsmen create tiny baskets

Weed masterpieces: craftsmen create tiny baskets

4 September 2021, 10:03
A source: © kulturologia.ru
The original masterpieces of art are created by the Englishwoman Susie Grieve. The craftswoman makes tiny accessories from a variety of dry plants and weaves baskets in miniature.

The area in which the craftswoman lives (Lake District in the west of England) is not rich in living material for creations. And the territories where you can collect plants in the public domain are even less. Therefore, the girl agreed with the owners of private land. They allow Susie to look for future workpieces on their sites in exchange for a certain job.

The craftsman's activity directly depends on the season. To understand the flowering periods of certain plants, Susie plunged into the study of botany. The craftswoman finds dandelions and willow bark in spring, ivy and honeysuckle in winter. Summer is the time to pick blackberries, bindweed and nettles, and autumn is the time for anything that has long stems.

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“Finding wild plants is a daunting task. Sometimes I wander through the woods all day to find the right specimen. Correct processing is an equally important stage in my work. Flowers need to be dried so that they retain their original shape. But this whole process brings me tremendous pleasure. Plants are my passion, ”says Susie.

A girl's hobby requires patience and perseverance. Some of Susie's baskets are made from just one tiny leaf. Painstaking work on their creation takes many hours. Susie's dream is to weave a product that would become the smallest in the world. At the moment, the craftswoman is writing a book that will become a guide to weaving jewelry from dried flowers.

On our website you can find baskets for every taste in the section "Interior".

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

Photo © kulturologia.ru

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