The oldest book on the game of chess published online

The oldest book on the game of chess published online

6 September 2021, 15:09
A source: ©
Chess is considered the oldest board game in the world. Italian scientists managed to digitize and publish a manual for the game, dating from the 16th century.

The edition, published by Antonio de Bianchi in Turin in 1597, details the features of this board game. It also deals with the beneficial effects of chess on the psychological qualities of a person. In particular, about the calming effect.

The book is divided into three chapters and consists of 128 pages. The author talks about all possible variations of moves, details individual pieces. It is one of 200 books of the 16th century, which is kept in Turin, and was compiled by the chess player and military leader Orazio Gianuzio Della Mantia.

It is noted that chess is about 1.5 thousand years old. The rules known today began to operate somewhere in the 15th century.
Interest in this game has survived for centuries. Residents of all countries have their own attitude to chess. However, no one excludes a positive effect on the development of logic, thinking and memory.

Learning to play is especially important for young children. This contributes to the development of perseverance, the ability to fully assimilate new material, and draw conclusions. That is why most parents try to take their children to play courses from 2-3 years old.

However, it is possible to improve in the ability to think through the opponent's moves in advance at home. It is enough to purchase a chess set. In the subsection of the OXO website "Board Games" different types of chess are exhibited - classical, magnetic, road and others.
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