Colored tape and scotch tape: how to keep the kids busy on weekends?

Colored tape and scotch tape: how to keep the kids busy on weekends?

8 September 2021, 15:00
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Children at home sometimes behave inappropriately. To avoid this, you can turn to experienced parents for advice.

Among the most common ways to entertain your child are board and outdoor games, experiments.

Scotch tape and colored ribbons will help create labyrinths in the corridors for the most restless kids. Having bandaged the passage between the rooms, the child easily turns into a super agent who needs to overcome an obstacle. And the tape of duct tape on the floor will easily turn him into an Olympic jumper.

With the help of tape and colored cords, you can even make an impromptu track in the house. Place the racing cars on the sofa and carpet in the living room.

Board games are no less exciting - puzzles, constructors, modeling from plasticine and origami. They will not only keep the child busy for a while, but also help in the development of perseverance, fine motor skills of hands, as well as psychological qualities - attention, imagination, memory.

For safe experiments, you can use food coloring, water, liquid soap, and other ingredients that cause a reaction. The main thing is that everything is thought out to the maximum, does not pose a danger to the life and health of the child.

Homemade games are considered successful. And those that are made directly with the child - boxes with clothespins in the form of table football, sortters for buttons, interactive masks made of cardboard.

In the section "Goods for children" there are more than 4 thousand lots that will help brighten up the leisure of any child, instill in him an interest in any hobby.

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