A master from Taiwan creates unusual wood figurines

A master from Taiwan creates unusual wood figurines

9 September 2021, 14:00
A source: © funtema.ru
Wooden figurines of bizarre shapes are created by the Taiwanese master Jui-Lin Yen. Outwardly, they are unpretentious in work, but they require attention, perseverance and skill.

Small wooden items resemble decorative hangers decorated with funny faces. These are animals, birds, mythical characters and even little men. Each of them has eyes, mouth, nose and eyelet with a hole.

Outwardly, the work of a Taiwanese master may seem simple to perform. However, they require skillful sanding and elaborate design solutions. Watching is also important here. After all, the master wants his work to look unusual and stylish.

The stages of work resemble standard work with a tree. Jui-Lin Yen selects materials first. As a rule, these are oval and round pieces of wood. He cooperates with many local sawmills, so the master has no problems with materials.

Then Jui-Lin Yen transfers the previously prepared sketch of the figurine to the blank. In the process of application, it is corrected. The eyes or mouth may enlarge, the nose may shrink. And the side eyelet change the attachment point.

If these are large "muzzles", then the Taiwanese selects additional elements for them - eyelids, eyelashes, lips, teeth. Some of them have to be glued on. However, this is not difficult. The main thing here is accuracy.

But, as far as tools for working with wood are concerned, here you need to have a special approach. It is important that these are durable, high-quality cleavers, saws, cutters, and more. They can be found in the section of the OXO website "Tools and equipment".

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru
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