Giants Nearby: Installation by an Artist from Copenhagen

Giants Nearby: Installation by an Artist from Copenhagen

12 September 2021, 12:03
A source: ©
Large-scale installations created from recycled materials are distributed worldwide by artist Thomas Dumbo. Thomas lives in Copenhagen, and for his beloved city he made huge figures depicting good-natured giants.

The author called the series of creations “six forgotten giants”. Its concept is to draw the audience's attention to an intriguing "hunt" for mysterious treasures hidden in fairy forest heroes.

Locations with giants are equipped with plates with images of maps and pointers with poetry inscriptions. With the help of them, visitors to the installation can solve fascinating riddles and puzzles.

Each giant Dumbo made by hand. The main material used by the artist is reclaimed wood. To do this, the craftsman collected the remains of wood from abandoned sheds, rickety fences, wooden flooring, hedges, boxes, etc. from all over the district.

With his work, Thomas wants to draw people's attention to the fact that the planet we live on needs to be taken care of. And the recycling of materials has great potential.

Tomas was assisted in installing the creations by friends and caring locals. The artist endowed each giant with a bright appearance and special character traits. Fairy creatures also have names. Children especially fell in love with good-natured figures, because you can actively interact with them.

Thomas not only showcased the beautiful nature in the capital of Denmark, but also took art outside of museums.

Those who are also fond of creating unusual wooden objects with their own hands, we invite you to the section "Tools and equipment". There you will find everything you need for your hobby.

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