Scrap metal masks: Australian creates exquisite bronze and aluminum sculptures

Scrap metal masks: Australian creates exquisite bronze and aluminum sculptures

13 September 2021, 13:26
A source: ©
Used metal sculptures are created by Australian artist Dale Dunning. His work combines typography and welding.

Externally, scrap metal products are masks. But these are not simple masks, but hundreds of print templates welded together. Every Australian creation has letters as a symbol of knowledge and connection.

These can be parts of tools, metal objects that have long been out of service. The master sometimes turns to very small components - bolts, nuts, screws.

In his works, Dale Dunning focuses primarily on the head. He believes that this part of the body symbolizes knowledge. Each person lives in his own head, looks, feels, feels the world around him. The head, according to the sculptor, is the basis that helps to build connections with the environment.

Often the works of the Australian inspire fear, despondency or admiration. People who look at them experience radically opposite feelings. But those who are indifferent to Dale Dunning's masks are not present.

The Australian holds exhibitions of his works on a regular basis. These can be small galleries or huge halls for large-scale installations. You can also see them on social networks, where the master talks in detail about the technologies used.

In working with such products, different tools are used. But in order to get the perfect job at the end, you need to be very careful when choosing them. More than 11 thousand lots are presented on the OXO website in the section "Tools and equipment".

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