Optical illusions on the naked body:

Optical illusions on the naked body:

25 September 2021, 10:05
A source: © bigpicture.ru
Unique creations are created by the artist Emma Fey, who considers body art to be her vocation. At first glance, the works of the craftswoman resemble ordinary paintings with images of animals. But in fact, these are realistic portraits of wildlife dwellers, painted with water-soluble paints directly on people.

Emma's favorite work is the "Union of Yoga" series. It is represented by 10 paintings, in which each of the painted models depicts a certain Asana from yoga. Photographer Jonathan McAuley contributed to the creation of the series. With photographs, Jonathan managed to emphasize the beauty and originality of "living" art objects.

According to Fey, Union of Yoga demonstrates that art is combined with spiritual practice. And this interaction gives an unusual result.

“The harmony of the illusion and the real body is what attracts the most. After all, these are roots, thoughts and knowledge. It inspires and makes you think, ”said the artist.

To create the series, Emma invited three models who practice yoga. It is hard for ordinary girls to be in a fixed position for a long time. For Fay's idea to come true, the model must accurately represent a specific position. Sometimes it takes a craftswoman a whole day to prepare one drawing.

The fact that creations are short-lived doesn't upset the Faye.
“Body art is like a breath of fresh air. I like everything about him: inconstancy, temporary nature, the ability to experiment. The paint is washed off, the body becomes clean, which means there is an incentive to surprise the world with new paintings, ”said Emma.

On our site you will find paints and brushes in this section.

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Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru
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