Chalk masterpieces: Indian man creates miniature sculptures from chalk

Chalk masterpieces: Indian man creates miniature sculptures from chalk

26 September 2021, 10:10
A source: ©
Sachhin Sanghe, a resident of India, chose computer programming as a profession. But the young man considers something completely different to be his vocation.

He devotes his free time to amazing creativity. The craftsman carves exquisite realistic sculptures from tiny crayons: from famous personalities of India to Hindu divine beings.

Each work of the Sangha is distinguished by the meticulous attention to detail. The miniature figurines clearly show facial features and items of clothing.

The creation of one figurine takes an average of 5-7 hours. But on some (especially difficult) works, the sculptor works for a whole week. Chalk is a fragile material: one wrong move and the work will have to start over.

Sachkhin has been engaged in his hobby for 15 years. Spectators admire the creations of the talented sculptor. But he himself does not believe that he has reached the limit and therefore is constantly trying to improve his skills.

The artist's collection numbers over 200 items. Many exhibits depict scenes from the life of ordinary people. Some of the works are miniature copies of architectural structures. The author is especially proud of the miniature depicting the Taj Mahal. It took the author 80 hours of work to create it.

Sachkhin had a desire to carve products from chalk while still at school. But when the young man entered the university, there was no time left for a hobby. Only a few years later, the craftsman returned to his hobby.
And over time he achieved such success that today he is one of the most professional chalk carvers in the world.

You can buy crayons on our website to try your hand at such a hobby in this section.

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