American scientists 3D printed a patch with a vaccine

American scientists 3D printed a patch with a vaccine

28 September 2021, 23:23
A source: ©
American scientists have developed a patch that is equipped with a vaccine. The immune response from it is 10 times higher than standard methods of administration with a needle.

The vaccine patch is 3D printed. Needles with a substance are placed on a polymer substrate, which, when in contact with the skin, are inserted inside. A similar method of "delivery" of the drug can be used to combat influenza, measles, hepatitis and other diseases.

The needles are long enough to penetrate sufficient depth when the drug is injected. Moreover, the speed of its propagation corresponds to the speed of propagation from conventional needles.

According to the project manager, the developed route of administration has laid the foundation for a new milestone in vaccination. Patches of this type are easy to use, painless, effective, less invasive.

Such plasters can be "glued" on their own, without the involvement of third-party medical personnel. As for the injection site, the developer of the patch does not limit the injection area to the forearm only.

However, it cannot be considered a universal injection. Because when using such a patch, there is a strong response from T cells and specific antibodies.

At this stage of research, scientists are trying to make the patch so that the technology for administering vaccines against COVID-19 is as simple, fast and safe as possible.

Other devices that facilitate medical manipulations can be found on the OXO website in the section "Medical equipment and health products".
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