Amazon showed a new home robot

Amazon showed a new home robot

30 September 2021, 22:28
A source: ©
Amazon presented a home robot that works even in the absence of owners. Controls the situation in the house and can carry light objects.

The robot resembles a small dog in size. It is capable of recognizing faces. This is possible thanks to the built-in chat and the screen located on the head.

Such a device is suitable for elderly lonely people who do not have the opportunity to move around the house on their own. The robot can bring them clothes, medicine, food.

New from Amazon can be programmed to call emergency services - ambulance, police, firefighters. It is even possible to add a phone number by which the robot will inform the contact in the event of an accident with an elderly person.

Medical manipulations have even been added to the device's functionality - measuring blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. But they can only be installed in advanced versions.

At the moment, the device cannot carry heavy loads, but future improvements may significantly change its operation.

According to the developers, they focused on mobility, intelligent movement, identification, and other complex issues.

Such a robot can be purchased only through a subscription. The standard version starts at $ 19, the advanced version can go up to $ 200.

And if corporations and private customers need devices that lift loads and climb stairs, then this is the prerogative of cleaning robots. For example, those that can be purchased on the OXO website in the section "Equipment" .
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