Synthetic starch from CO2: Chinese scientists presented another development

Synthetic starch from CO2: Chinese scientists presented another development

3 October 2021, 12:46
A source: ©
Starch is a valuable material in many manufacturing processes. Improved manufacturing methods will benefit the global economy. A team of scientists from China presented a development that allows you to convert CO2 into starch.

Currently, the main way to obtain starch is through plants. But to achieve the desired result, more than 60 biochemical processes are carried out. Huge resources in the form of land and water are needed to produce enough starch. Scientists have set themselves the task of finding a new form of starch extraction that will reduce the dependence of production on agriculture.

The method of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, based on the use of CO2, is much more productive and efficient than the standard one. Scientists used a special chemoenzyme scheme. In the first stages, they reduced CO2 with the help of a catalyst to methanol. Under the influence of enzymes, methanol was transformed into sugar, and then into polymer starch. The manufacturing scheme consists of 11 processes. Due to this, the efficiency of extraction of material from corn will increase 8.5 times.

“Our method is capable of replicating the annual yield from a third of a hectare of maize from just one cubic meter of bioreactor. Energy costs will also decrease. At the same time, synthetic starch will not differ from natural starch in any way, ”said the chief expert of the study, Tsai Tao.
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