Scientists from the United States have found a new way to treat depression

Scientists from the United States have found a new way to treat depression

5 October 2021, 23:33
A source: ©
American scientists have succeeded in developing an implant that is capable of affecting depressive conditions. The device has already been installed in a 36-year-old patient.

The implant is a box, the size of which does not exceed the size of a matchbox. It is placed in the patient's skull and connected to the brain.

By means of electrical impulses, the device is capable of detecting and treating severe depressive conditions. It works constantly, but only works when the patient needs appropriate help.

The developers said that the implant has already been installed in a 36-year-old patient who in the past suffered from lingering depression. Such conditions were accompanied by periodic headaches, depression of mood, unwillingness to communicate with people. After the implantation of the implant, the woman's life changed dramatically.

The researchers note that it is too early to talk about the massive use of such devices for other patients. But there are still some successes in the treatment of protracted depression. Additional clinical trials will be needed to move it to the next level of use.

The reason for this interest of scientists in depression was the announcement of the recognition of it as one of the deadly diseases. Moreover, people suffer from it most often.

You can find all kinds of devices for monitoring physiological indicators - blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration on the OXO website in the subsection "Medical equipment and goods for health".
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