Interior designers told what is important to know when combining kitchen and living room

Interior designers told what is important to know when combining kitchen and living room

8 October 2021, 21:42
A source: ©
Combining the kitchen and living room is not an easy process. You need to know what to consider when redeveloping.

Designers advise focusing not on functionality, but on the aesthetic component. The interior should look holistic, even if there is a bulky old refrigerator, a semi-crumbling rocking chair and a floor lamp in the arsenal of the space.

You need to start with the fact that the living room will be an accent. At the same time, the kitchen should be made as inconspicuous as possible - paint the walls in one tone, minimize the amount of hanging furniture, disguise the refrigerator. And in order for the transition from one space to another to be more systematic, one should adhere to a single scheme in the decor.

Be sure to pay attention to the lighting. To visually separate one from the other, you need to skillfully play with lighting fixtures, saturation and warmth of light. Warm and soft rays will help you relax, so they are best used in relation to recreation areas. Cold - activates activity in work areas.

It is worth remembering about natural light. It is better to place the dining area in that part of the room that will be flooded with light to the maximum. It is more pleasant to eat in the sunlight than in the light of lamps.

Floor coverings and finishes need to be used carefully. If it is not possible to make warm floors, then it is better to put laminate instead of tiles. Modern manufacturers of this flooring offer durable and stain-resistant models.

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