Artificial intelligence predicts the weather accurately

Artificial intelligence predicts the weather accurately

10 October 2021, 13:23
A source: ©
DeepMind Technologies Limited, together with British meteorologists, presented a new development: the artificial intelligence DeepMind, which is able to determine the probability of precipitation in the next hour and a half.

According to world standards, forecasters make up a weather forecast based on a whole data system. This is information from hydrological and agrometeorological stations, analysis of a number of changes on land, air and water. However, forecasters are not always able to determine accurate forecasts for the next 2 hours.

To make predictions as accurate as possible, the developers of DeepMind used DGMs - deep generative mechanisms. They analyze the received data, form samples and create a set of predictions based on the ensemble method.

At the same time, DeepMind takes into account the previous radar characteristics using two generative neural networks. This allows the AI ​​to "capture" both temporal and spatial dimensions, preventing the likelihood of erroneous predictions.

This technique resembles the work of neural networks that create video. In fact, it is a chain of frames in a specific sequence.

AI from DeepMind is able to predict weather conditions on a small scale, which, due to their natural features, are almost impossible to predict with a conventional meta. The system was evaluated by more than 50 experts. They all confirmed that the accuracy of the weather forecast from DeepMind is 99%.

At home, standard thermometers are suitable for measuring temperature. You can buy them in this section.
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