A Bosnian built a 360-degree rotating house for his wife

A Bosnian built a 360-degree rotating house for his wife

11 October 2021, 21:05
A source: © tjournal.ru
The Bosnian pensioner built a house revolving around its axis for his wife in almost 7 years. He did it in stages.

This is not an innovation, but a completely traditional design. The house was installed on a special pole that is powered by a system of motors. The speed of this rotation is small: at the lowest speed, the housing of a Bosnian pensioner and his wife can turn 360 degrees in 24 hours.

The desire to build a similar structure for the Bosnian did not appear by chance. For many years, his wife complained about the monotonous view from the window. And she asked me to think of something about it.

Construction started more than seven years ago. The long pause was triggered by the man's illness. Due to a heart attack, he had to stay in the hospital for some time.

This house was the clue that allowed the 72-year-old Bosnian to get out of his dire condition. He asked the doctors to put him on his feet so that he could finish the construction. He claimed that it only took a year to complete.

The revolving house is located near the town of Srbac. On one side there are corn fields, on the other - a forest and a river. Now the wife of the author of this unusual structure can enjoy a varied view from her window. Moreover, each of them reveals a different appearance every day.

You can build such a structure with a great desire, thorough preparation and the use of high-quality tools. You can buy the latter on the OXO website in the section "Tools and equipment".
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