British scientists have developed a tracker for single women

British scientists have developed a tracker for single women

11 October 2021, 23:09
A source: ©
The British company BT Group has developed a tracker that is able to connect to a GPS tracking system. The gadget can be used for personal safety while walking or returning from work alone.

To start using this application, you need to enter your home address, phone number, destination. Leaving home, you should activate the system using either a call or a message. This will allow the tracker to get started.

After entering all the data, the device calculates the approximate travel time, and also records when the user should arrive at the destination. If the tracker does not give a signal of arrival, then the competent authorities are automatically notified - the police, ambulance. Although a signal is previously sent to the numbers that appear on the phone of their mistress as emergency.

The service, which is conventionally called 888, can be used not only during pedestrian movements, but also when traveling in public transport, in your car.

The development of such trackers in the company began after the murders of women on the streets of London. It is the easiest, safest and most mobile way to ensure security.

Law enforcement agencies support the initiative to create specialized applications and gadgets that can ensure the safety of not only women, but also children. Many smartwatches have similar applications to help locate their owners.

You can find a gadget with a navigation function on the OXO website in the "Technique" section.
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