I would like to create a supersonic electric plane, but no time - Elon Musk

I would like to create a supersonic electric plane, but no time - Elon Musk

12 October 2021, 23:04
A source: © ixbt.com
Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has announced his desire to create a supersonic electric plane. But at the same time he complained about the lack of time for this venture.

The statement about the desire to create an aircraft with the possibility of vertical take-off and landing was made back in 2018. Periodically, the American inventor returns to these thoughts.

Another comeback was a reaction to a question from Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, who on his social media page suggested what Musk could do in the near future. The doctor noted that the founder of Tesla and SpaceX has already played a huge role in space exploration, automotive, green energy. The next step is aviation.

In response to the post of Peter H. Diamandis, Musk said that he would like to do development in the field of aviation, but this is an additional burden that could "blow up his brain." Therefore, at the moment, talk about a supersonic aircraft is still talk.

Elon Musk is often called the fearless pioneer of various fields of knowledge. He is trying to prove that nothing is impossible for a person. With his ideas, achievements, the inventor constantly proves this.

And it always started small - trying to combine parts, to innovate the traditional views on the creation of machines, robots, missiles. Now aircraft construction is next in line.

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