Scottish doctors intend to heal people from crypto addiction

Scottish doctors intend to heal people from crypto addiction

13 October 2021, 22:44
A source: ©
Crypto addiction is a disease. At the Scottish castle Craig in Edinburgh, they began to treat this disease.

In the premises of the rehabilitation center, where people undergo drug and alcohol addiction therapy, new patients began to arrive. Many of them do not part with computers and phones, they follow the course of the cryptocurrency. Against the background of the rise and fall, they develop pathological depressions.

For many, parting with gadgets is critical. Experiencing anxiety, irritability. Many of them are prone to panic attacks.

The therapists at the rehabilitation center noted that patients often come to be treated for drug or alcohol addiction. And the craze for cryptocurrency is seen as a concomitant addiction.

Therapist Anthony Marini has already been able to help 15 patients. As a rule, their age does not exceed 45 years. Some of them switched to crypto business after gambling addiction.

The center's doctor clarifies that many people simply do not know that cryptocurrency craze can be addictive. And so far there are no specialized institutions in the world capable of providing qualified assistance. Many who face this addiction feel stupid and embarrassed.

The Craig Castle Rehabilitation Center has been operating since 1988. During this time, specialists were able to provide assistance to thousands of patients.

However, this does not mean that the use of equipment is prohibited. The main thing is to approach its use and purchase wisely. And you can choose a worthy device for yourself on the OXO website in the section "PCs, laptops, tablets, office equipment".
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