Profile from Nothing: Anatomical Sculptures from a Chicago Family

Profile from Nothing: Anatomical Sculptures from a Chicago Family

14 October 2021, 14:25
A source: ©
The sculptures of a human profile are sculpted by a creative couple from Chicago Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn. These are incredibly detailed images that use unnecessary items.

Each composition consists of several "compartments" - the brain, face, neck. Moreover, their fillers are completely different - parts of old toys, stones, glass, broken objects.

First, a plaster frame is formed, which is made in a pre-fitted shape. Then the details of the future sculpture "sit down" on the glue base. The final stage is filling the voids with polymorphic clay.

The creative couple from the USA sets the accents with the help of acrylic paints - red, silver, gold, bronze colors. Artificial resins are often used as a supplement.

Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn say that they have no specific principle in the choice of elements. Sometimes it all starts with a fleeting thought. A separate element is created that pulls up a new solution.

Each sculpture presents a specific challenge for the American couple. An endless variety of design solutions, new directions for each head, ambiguous images at the exit.

To make the sculptures look individual, Edwige Massart and Xavier Wynn strive to put personal interests and something unique in them. And the approach to visualizing his plans helps to realize his interest in surrealism.

It is possible and necessary to follow the example of creative personalities. The main thing is to provide yourself with a sufficient amount of tools and materials. And they can be found in the section of the OXO website "Accessories for sewing and needlework".

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