Navigation and self-assembly - the new smart cane for blind and visually impaired people

Navigation and self-assembly - the new smart cane for blind and visually impaired people

15 October 2021, 22:56
A source: ©
American scientists have managed to create a smart cane for visually impaired people. You can assemble a functional gadget yourself.

The ultra-modern "assistant" is equipped with a system of sensors that warn the owner of an approaching obstacle a few meters before contact with it. The device weighs about 1.3 kg.

An additional development convenience lies in the fact that you can assemble it yourself at home. It is enough to purchase purchased parts, connect them and install free software. The estimated cost of the parts is $ 400.

The functionality of a smart cane helps a visually impaired person to detect an obstacle, identify it, and also bypass it in the safest way. Also, thanks to the device, the user can follow a given route and receive signals in case of deviation from it.

Scientists hope that their development will become an alternative to bulky and expensive devices. It will also facilitate the movement of more than 250 thousand people with visual impairments.

Previously, canes were developed, the weight of which could reach 22 kg with an estimated cost of about 4 thousand dollars. This is inconvenient and very expensive. And for people who also have to undergo periodic therapy, it is very expensive.

You can purchase equipment that helps people with certain functional disorders in the subsection of the OXO website "Medical equipment and health products" - hygiene supplies, hearing aids apparatus, corsets and bandages, inhalers, measuring devices, etc.

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