Replacing lanterns: scientists made plants glow

Replacing lanterns: scientists made plants glow

16 October 2021, 16:00
A source: ©
A team of scientists from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has come up with a way by which plants emit light. Researchers began the first development of luminous plants back in 2017. They introduced nanoparticles of luciferin and luciferase into watercress leaves. By the way, fireflies are endowed with these substances in nature. But the plants did not shine brightly enough. The glow period was also limited in time.

As part of the new study, the main task of scientists was to increase the intensity of the glow and its duration. For this purpose, they have developed a special capacitor. It provides the accumulation of electricity in electrical circuits and their gradual release as needed. The capacitor is equipped with a phosphor capable of converting ultraviolet light into luminescence (non-thermal glow). In plants, the role of the luminoform was played by the compound of strontium aluminate converted into microparticles. To avoid plant damage, the researchers coated strontium aluminate with silicon.

In the course of recent experiments, scientists have demonstrated that plants saturated with phytophages can glow for about an hour. It takes about 2 weeks to "recharge" the plants at this stage.

Experiments have shown that various types of living plants can be made to glow. According to the authors, their discovery in the future may become an alternative to standard lighting sources. For example, trees with large leaves will act as street lights.

In the meantime, scientists are working on increasing the duration of the glow, we suggest looking at standard lighting devices in the section "Lighting".
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