EyeLike from Samsung: Ophthalmology Examination with Smartphone

EyeLike from Samsung: Ophthalmology Examination with Smartphone

17 October 2021, 14:01
A source: © samsung.com
The new development was presented to the world by Samsung. This is an EyeLike camera, the function of which is to examine the fundus.

The company was inspired by the Galaxy Upcycling program to create the device. This is an initiative aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment by reducing the volume of waste. The company's engineers were looking for options for using outdated gadgets. And we decided to release EyeLike - a system for ophthalmological research.

The base in the form of old smartphones captures everything that is visible to the diagnostic mechanism. The fundus camera is connected using the lens attachment, and the phone itself is already taking the picture.

The diagnostic mechanism is performed as follows: the doctor photographs the fundus of the patient, and the smartphone analyzes the information using AI algorithms. Then the doctor saves the obtained data in the program, and it determines the existing diseases, and then gives out ways to eliminate the problem.

“Our development is in no way inferior to specialized medical devices. It is able to identify dangerous diseases that lead to blindness. For example, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related degeneration. But at the same time it is more affordable than similar devices ", - said the engineer of the company.

At the moment, EyeLike is being tested in regions with impassable terrain and in remote settlements. This is a big step towards making medicine available to a wide range of people.

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