German designers tested a drone that will replace trucks

German designers tested a drone that will replace trucks

19 October 2021, 22:08
A source: ©
Volocopter, a German company, has tested a cargo drone. The device is capable of transporting about 200 kg over a distance of 40 km.

The development of German aircraft designers is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which is equipped with 18 electric motors in the form of propellers. Each engine is a component of a circular frame with a diameter exceeding 9 m. The height of the device is 2.15 m.

The technical characteristics of the cargo drone are impressive - the takeoff weight reaches 600 kg, and the maximum flight range when fully loaded is about 40 km.

Test trials were carried out in one of the ports of Habsburg. A Euro pallet was loaded on board the drone, after which it was taken to a parking station. At the place of delivery, the cargo was already waiting for a cargo bike, which took the pallet to its final destination.

The flight of the drone with the cargo took about three minutes. At the same time, the drone managed to reach 22 m with a pallet on board.

The plans of the German aircraft manufacturer over the next three years to deploy a transport system that allows you to transport goods by air using drones. This also applies to scheduled transportation of passengers.

At the moment, Volocopter has managed to develop and test flying taxis, passenger stations for them, and digital ecosystems.

Other technical innovations can be found in the section of the same name on the OXO website. There are also devices produced by German manufacturers in different years - TVs, refrigerators, acoustic systems, radio tape recorders.

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