Scientists have come up with a material to protect paintings from fading

Scientists have come up with a material to protect paintings from fading

23 October 2021, 14:51
A source: ©
A team of Greek and Italian scientists presented the world with a new discovery: this is a material that protects paintings from the negative effects of direct sunlight. The inspiration for the innovative development was the still life "Sunflowers", created by Vincent Van Gogh.

Due to burnout, the legendary canvas has lost its former brightness and saturation. Now, a transparent protective coating based on graphene will help prevent this phenomenon. The atoms of the allotrope of carbon (or graphene) alternate in hexagonal order. Its main features are lightness, strength and high transparency. In addition, the material protects against moisture, does not allow oxygen and other substances to pass through that can spoil the picture. Another bonus of graphene is that if the need arises, it can be easily removed from the surface.

The researchers conducted an experiment in which they simulated the effect of sunlight on a canvas for 65 years. In the course of the study, it became clear that one layer of graphene is capable of keeping the picture from fading by one third. 70% protects the material in three layers.

But the method also has its drawbacks. The point is that graphene most effectively preserves the integrity of smooth patterns. It is difficult for the material to prevent fading of works with a textured surface, namely those painted with strokes.

However, Professor Kostas Galiotis (Chief Research Specialist) reported that European gallerists have already shown interest in the new method.

In the meantime, we are waiting for the development to become available to a wide range of people, we suggest purchasing paintings for interior decoration on our website in this section.
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