Versatile staircase - a new project of Milan architects

Versatile staircase - a new project of Milan architects

29 October 2021, 21:37
A source: ©
The unusual staircase was designed by the architects of one of the Milan studios. The design looks different from different vantage points.

The base of the staircase is made up of metal and wood. Wooden steps were mounted on a steel frame. The structure connects two floors.

The peculiarity of the project is that the staircase is surrounded by metal plates of different widths. They are wider in front and behind, narrower on the left and right. The stripes are located in some places with such density that the structure is even invisible from the side.

The reason why the architects wanted to "hide" the staircase is because of the visual savings in space. To make it an invisible element of the interior.

Due to the fact that the staircase becomes an invisible element of the interior, furniture can be placed near it - a sofa, wardrobe or chest of drawers. The structure turns into a kind of additional wall.

Architects often go for masking space elements - stairs, walls, windows. This helps to modify the interior, add character to it.

As for unusual staircases, interior designers offer modular, sliding and removable designs.

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