Jumping Chukchi on a trampoline: a hobby, sport or ritual?

Jumping Chukchi on a trampoline: a hobby, sport or ritual?

30 October 2021, 9:03
A source: © bigpicture.ru
There are many photographs of Chukotka residents jumping on trampoline-like structures. What this unusual hobby means, Ojo will tell in today's article.

It is known that not only Russian Chukchi, but also Eskimos from Canada and America were engaged in jumping on trampolines stretched on the weight. But the first found descriptions of this process date back to the end of the 19th century. Thus, this custom of the server people cannot be called very ancient. For example, in Asia and Europe, improvised trampolines have been actively used for centuries.

Walrus skin served as trampolines for the Chukchi. To make it elastic and reliable, the men scraped it with knives to the required thickness. The person who was going to jump stood in the center of the item. The rest of the people took the skin around the edges and just tossed it up.

Photo © bigpicture.ru

To date, it is not known for certain what purpose the Chukchi are pursuing with such a procedure. Some researchers believe that the hunter, when thrown on a trampoline, received a greater angle of view and could see his prey.

Another version connects the jumping of the Chukchi with religious rituals. According to legend, one of the shamans had a vision in which evil spirits were jumping on animal skins. Then the Chukchi hunters started jumping if the village suffered from diseases or bad weather conditions.

But the most plausible assumption is that such a hobby was part of sports. In one of the books, researcher Anna Frolova said that the Chukchi have long organized the so-called "sports days". In them, they competed in running, wrestling, archery and harpoon throwing. One of the tasks was jumping on trampolines. The walrus skin is very slippery. Only the most hardy people managed to jump more than 2-3 times in a row. Thus, the Chukchi increased their strength and ability. That is, the Chukchi trampoline can be called an unusual sports equipment.

On our site, a large selection of sports equipment is presented in this section.

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru
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