Australian rescue dog awarded for helping koalas

Australian rescue dog awarded for helping koalas

3 November 2021, 23:36
A source: ©
The International Fund for the Protection of Animals noted the activities of a rescue dog named Bear. On the territory of Australian forests, during the fires, he managed to save more than a hundred koalas.

The four-legged rescuer took an active part in the search for injured animals. The dog found koalas by the smell of wool and feces near the trees. He quietly approached the roots, lay down near, thereby signaling the presence of an animal on or near the tree.

The bear did everything very quietly so as not to frighten off the already frightened koalas. Rescuers found the animals and provided them with medical assistance, if necessary.

The fund noted that this rescuer is the only dog ​​that managed to locate koalas and other animals in the burning forests. Probably, the peculiarities of the development of the dog played an important role in this. The Bear is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, due to which he was even abandoned by his former owners.

Nevertheless, for the role of a rescuer, this feature became rather advantageous. In sniffer dogs, such a deviation - the obsessive urge to perform a repetitive action - is considered an ideal quality.

Awards for the Bear were not only encouraged by the foundation. But also recognition with pleasant little things from other rescuers - an increase in the duration of walks, additional time for games and hugs, dog sweets.

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