A craftsman made an electric guitar from 1200 colored pencils

A craftsman made an electric guitar from 1200 colored pencils

18 November 2021, 14:33
A source: © bigpicture.ru
The crayon electric guitar was created by a craftsman named Blake Burles. This is his first work of this magnitude.

The guy used 1200 colored pencils to create a musical instrument and purchased consumables for $ 500 - strings, switches, wires and more.

Blake Burles' guitar work took about a month. He spent 2-3 hours a day at work. The main difficulty was caused by the fact that the karanadashi lost color during processing. The sander literally "wiped away" all the color. Blake Burles had to think long and hard about an alternative processing method. This was helped by coarse sandpaper.

As the craftsman himself stated, he saw many similar works from colored pencils. However, I didn't want to create plates, vases and other kitchen utensils. The guy dreamed of something bigger. The idea with the guitar was born by itself.

The procedure for creating a musical instrument was reduced to sawing all the pencils into pieces, putting them in a mold and pouring them with epoxy. After the mold was dry, Blake Burles cut out the deck and sanded it. At the end, it remains to add the missing elements of the guitar, tune the musical instrument and start playing.

If there is no desire, like a craftsman, inspired by products made from colored pencils, then you can use the lots of one of the sections of the OXO site. There are strings, percussion and keyboard musical instruments - guitars, button accordions, drums, synthesizers, violins and more.

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru

Photo © bigpicture.ru
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