Wine-flavored coffee: American cafe owners surprised their customers

Wine-flavored coffee: American cafe owners surprised their customers

18 November 2021, 23:18
A source: ©
Wine-flavored coffee began to be brewed in one of the California coffee houses. You cannot get drunk from the drink, since alcohol is used here exclusively for aroma.

When roasting coffee beans, add a few drops of red wine made from Merlot grapes. The drink tastes like coffee with a light wine aroma and a blueberry aftertaste.

The cost of such a coffee cocktail is not much higher than the price in the price list for the rest of the proposals. However, it is still a few dollars more expensive. But even this nuance does not scare away connoisseurs of Americano or latte.

The final taste of the drink is influenced by the ingredients that make up such a "cocktail". The coffee beans and grind vary, as can the wine varieties. This is a whole range of shades, flavors and aftertastes.

Recall that Merlot is considered one of the nine grape varieties that are international. It is the second most widespread variety in the world. Its peculiarity is to impart light astringency to the wine. The drinks are light and very refreshing when combined with this grape variety.

Despite the fact that wine and coffee are two different drinks in character, they are often drunk together. Gourmets find a special charm in this. Most bars do not serve this, but if the client wishes, they still cook it. So it happened in the aforementioned California cafe.

You can try to make such a cocktail at home, but as for alcohol, here it is better to entrust the matter to specialists. And for coffee drinks, the assortment of the OXO website and its section Grocery is suitable.
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