No steering wheel or pedals - Apple's new drone

No steering wheel or pedals - Apple's new drone

19 November 2021, 23:23
A source: ©
Apple plans to release a self-driving car that will surpass existing counterparts in terms of safety. The vehicle will be presented in 2025.

It will be a vehicle that resembles a large SUV. The comfortable cabin for 5-8 passengers will be equipped with a control screen. The seats will be placed around the perimeter of the cabin.

According to the developers, the car will not have a steering wheel or pedals. This will allow passengers to take over control during an emergency. However, it will outperform Waymo and Tesla in terms of safety.

To provide electric vehicles with a constant charge, the company plans to adapt them to different chargers. This allows drivers to replenish energy supplies from anywhere in the world.

The start of the production of drones is preceded by the coordination of working moments with partner companies. At the moment, negotiations are underway with several US carmakers.

Apple has already tested the chip for the first electric vehicle. It includes neural processors capable of processing various algorithms and self-learning.

Apple is gradually expanding its manufacturing capabilities. Moves away exclusively from the IT sphere. Making electric vehicles is another step towards future innovation.

The products of the apple company are also presented on the OXO website in the appropriate section. You can buy not only smartphones, tablets or laptops, but also accessories for them.
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