Elon Musk plans to launch Tesla Phone

Elon Musk plans to launch Tesla Phone

22 November 2021, 23:30
A source: © ferra.ru
Elon Musk's company plans to launch a flagship smartphone that will not be inferior in performance to existing models. Tesla Phone images have already appeared on the web.

The appearance of the device is quite similar to standard gadgets. However, it will be distinguished by the angular design of the body, the presence of an invisible camera and impressive technical characteristics.

Among the unique design features is electrochromic glass. It can either lighten or darken depending on the lighting. In this case, the camera actually becomes invisible to the human eye.

A similar glass was used for the cars of the American manufacturer and was used for the conceptual version of the smartphone.

The technical specifications will delight users - the use of a Snapdragon 898 GPU, 4k resolution, three touch-sensitive cameras and a 2TB storage drive.

The cost of the Tesla gadget has not yet been disclosed. However, there are rumors on the net that the price will be impressive.

Elon Musk's company is reaching a new level. Having started the production of electric vehicles, she switched to the production of equipment for conquering space. Recently, it was even voiced the desire of its leader to go to the conquest of the depths of the sea. Smartphone development is yet another milestone that Tesla has decided to overcome.

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