Modernist architecture: what is it?

Modernist architecture: what is it?

23 November 2021, 20:43
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The architecture of modernism attracts contemporary designers no less than in the past. The experts told why this is happening and what kind of style it is.

As a stylistic trend in architecture, modernism spread throughout Europe in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The main features of this style are the rejection of strict geometry in favor of natural naturalness.

This period was associated with the beginning of the use of new materials - steel, concrete, glass. Before that, they were considered unusual in construction.

Modernism in architecture tended to ensure that buildings were both beautiful and functional. The attention of architects and designers was focused not only on the facade and decoration, but also on the interior. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail. Each element was processed using artistic techniques.

Art Nouveau architecture strove to create something new that could capture the imagination. Some designs even had futuristic motifs. But it did so without sacrificing functionality. A rational approach to the construction of the building and its decoration was noted here. With regard to the use of decor, it was minimized.

This style was distinguished by the fact that the author of the construction took the position of a person whose opinion is always put in the first place.

It is impossible to create any structure without materials and tools. Including constructions in the style of modernism. However, this is not a problem for those who visit the subsection of the OXO website "Tools and Equipment".

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