The world of the elderly: touching silk dolls from Irina Verhgradskaya

The world of the elderly: touching silk dolls from Irina Verhgradskaya

27 November 2021, 9:05
A source: ©
Irina Verhgradskaya is a craftswoman from Novosibirsk who creates incredibly touching, cute, a little sad, but very sincere dolls. Elderly people become the main characters of the craftswoman. The dolls are made so realistically that looking at each of them, a hurricane of emotions begins to rage in the heart: from tenderness and warmth to sympathy and bitterness about the rapidly passing time.

Irina started sewing the first rag dolls as a child. And she continued all her youth. The break in the hobby was associated only with the birth of children. But when they grew up, the craftswoman returned to making exclusive pieces. In Soviet times, the choice of dolls was small, and the young mother wanted to please her children.

Today, the collection of the craftswoman, created over 30 years, has more than 2000 items. A woman creates old men and old women from silk, impregnated with a special composition. For durability, Irina covers her creations with oil paint.

The loneliness of the elderly is a primary theme in the work of Verhgradskaya. A woman organically fits her characters into the plots of life that can happen to each of the people.

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Someone gave an old grandfather in the hospital ward a small present: tangerines, socks and a postcard. The pensioner is touched: a smile is visible on his face. But at the same time it seems that he is about to cry.

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Another job is a grandmother being hugged by a granddaughter in a wedding dress. Emotions of the old woman are read at first sight: she is glad that she has lived to this day. No less interesting is the scene where a lonely old woman takes care of the plants so tenderly and touchingly. Apparently, this is the only pleasure left for the woman.

On our website, you can buy handmade dolls, as well as factory-made dolls in this section.

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