When every meter plays a role: the economical staircase project

When every meter plays a role: the economical staircase project

8 December 2021, 20:32
A source: © funtema.ru
A creative designer has developed a staircase that is able to save space. It helps to efficiently use every square meter of the room.

The staircase is a modular structure consisting of a steel frame and wooden steps. The metal is painted black, and the wood is selected in such a way that the tone is suitable for a dark base.

But the effectiveness of the development is not only in its appearance. Such a design is captivating with its functionality. Convenient, modular, with many compartments - storage places. A stack of books, a laptop with a charger, photo frames can easily fit in the shelves of such a staircase.

If you wish, you can order such a ladder with a computer desk. One of the sides of this piece of furniture will act as additional steps. A smooth transition from a floor located above using such a staircase will help to simplify movement around the house. And solve the issue with saving space.

The name of the structure is associated with levels. The author of the project simply added a question mark to the beginning of this word in English. It turns out that the owner of the house and, accordingly, such a staircase can choose the number of steps on their own. And, depending on this, call it 10-level or 15-level.

To make any interior look laconic and functional, you should approach its planning even at the stage of renovation. It is easy to do this if among the assistants there is an OXO website with the section "House, interior".

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru

Photo © funtema.ru
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