Scientists find that children absorb millions of microplastics particles a day

Scientists find that children absorb millions of microplastics particles a day

11 December 2021, 18:54
A source: ©
Fragments of plastic, the size of which is less than 5 mm, has a negative effect on all living things. The harm of the microplate to the body of animals has been repeatedly proven by various experiments. But the degree of its influence on a person was not officially recorded due to the lack of data on its amount in the body.

Scientists from Nanikai and New York Universities have thoroughly studied this issue. The studies were carried out on the basis of the analysis of the stool of newborns, infants and adults.

The researchers focused on counting two common types of plastic: polyethylene terephthalate and polycarbonate. These substances are used to create fabrics, bottles and containers for storage, cling films, accessories, covers for gadgets, etc.

To determine harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract, scientists took samples of material from three newborns, six one-year-old children, and ten adults. The research was based on the method of mass spectrometry.

Harmful substances were found in all subjects. But it turned out that the concentration of polycarbonate in children is equal to the adult amount. But scientists were even more shocked by the fact that the number of PETs in children exceeded those of adults by 10-20 times.

Scientists believe that the reason for the greater pollution of children's organisms with plastic is the fact that babies are constantly pulling various objects into their mouths. They release tiny pieces of plastic that tend to accumulate. On average, children "eat" 83 thousand nanograms of PET per one kg of body (per day), and 860 nanograms of polycarbonate.

Microparticles of plastic can enter the body even through the formula for feeding, which the baby uses through the bottle. That is why it is necessary to choose goods for children only of high quality and reliable. On our site they are presented in this section.
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