444 Christmas trees: German collector set new world record

444 Christmas trees: German collector set new world record

5 January 2022, 15:00
A source: © dw.com
People keep setting world records. A resident of Germany, Thomas Yeromin, placed 444 Christmas trees in his house and decorated them with New Year's toys.

The house of 55-year-old Thomas and his wife Suzanne is a grandiose festive space, which is completely covered with Christmas tree decorations - balls, figurines of elves and fairies, garlands, tinsel. And all this beauty is on 444 trees.

A representative of the German Institute of Records was invited to the Yeromin family to officially testify that the collector had indeed broken the world record. Indeed, before that, only photographs and notes on paper served as confirmation.

It is noted that 420 Christmas trees were installed in this apartment last year. This year, Thomas Yeromin broke his own record and received his official certification

The collector changes the decorations on the Christmas trees every year. He doesn't want anything to be repeated. Buying Christmas balls, figurines and garlands gives him a lot of pleasure. Now more than 47 thousand multi-colored bulbs are on in the German's apartment.

For the New Year holidays, Thomas Yeromin begins to prepare in August. He takes out the toys and unpacks the trees, which were kept in the attic all spring and summer.

In addition to the main symbols of the New Year, the German collector's apartment has themed toys - figures of characters from the Star Wars movies.

If you do not have enough New Year's decorations on your trees, you can always buy them on the OXO website in the subsection "Everything for the holiday".

Photo © dw.com

Photo © dw.com
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