As Alive: Bamboo Insects by Japanese Artist

As Alive: Bamboo Insects by Japanese Artist

8 January 2022, 10:00
A source: ©
A resident of Japan, Noriyuki Saitoh, creates miniature sculptures that amaze the viewer with their realism. The artist's skill is at such a high level that at first glance it is difficult to believe that the insects are not real. The greatest surprise is caused by the tiny details of the creations: wings, antennae, legs, etc.

It is even difficult to imagine how much time and effort the master takes for such mini-elements. But the artist basically makes insects life-size. Noriyuki Saitoh prides himself on the fact that he doesn't scale. According to the author, it is thanks to this that the sculptures are airy and aesthetic.

“Insects are not replicas of prototypes. The dimensions correspond to the original, but the compositions are created against the background of feelings, emotions and impressions. This is not real reality. It is more of an art in which there is a place for fantasies, ”the artist shared. Probably, it is thanks to this approach that the effect of movement and fullness of life is obtained.

The artist starts making sculptures only after preparing the drawings. Bamboo is very difficult to work with. The hollow form of plants requires jewelry precision when cutting out details. It is important to properly balance the elements so that the finished product looks harmonious and realistic. The craftsman replaces some parts of the bodies with fantasy ones. And it gives charm to the products.

Creation of wings requires special skill. On the bamboo base, Noriyuki spreads the paper evenly. It is so thin that it appears transparent.

Admirers of such creativity acquire sculptures of the Japanese as interior decoration. On our site, a wide selection of decorative items that will make your home special are presented in this section.

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