Paradoxical hobby: an American set a record for the number of lawsuits filed

Paradoxical hobby: an American set a record for the number of lawsuits filed

13 January 2022, 12:00
A source: ©
An American prisoner will get into the Guinness Book of Records because of his paradoxical hobby. Every day he files lawsuits in various instances.

In fact, to date, Jonathan Lee Riches has filed 2.6 thousand lawsuits. And the plaintiffs in this case, the young American considers social networks, celebrities, computer games. Even some American presidents were not deprived of attention by this enterprising attacker.

After attracting the attention of the Guinness World Records Committee, Jonathan Lee Riches threatened them too. He plans to sue if his name appears somewhere in the media in connection with the fixing of the record. However, the committee did not comment on the statements of the American.

The young guy had already spent some time in Kensington prison. He was convicted of fraud using various means of communication. However, Jonathan Lee Riches does not admit his guilt. He filed a countersuit, and along the way accused the computer game companies of bringing him to this state.

Jonathan Lee Riches voiced claims to both dating sites and social networks. The guy announced that it was they who were to blame for the fact that he wanted to use the personal data of users for his own criminal purposes.

If you follow the list of the convicted collector of lawsuits, then he also made claims against US presidents, American performers and presenters.

Even while behind bars, the guy said that he was preparing another list of lawsuits that he would bring against shops, pharmacies, gas stations.

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