Giant dinosaur remains found in Argentina

Giant dinosaur remains found in Argentina

13 January 2022, 21:00
A source: ©
Argentine paleontologists have discovered traces of an ancient herbivorous pangolin in the country. According to preliminary data, he died almost 100 million years ago and belonged to the four-legged dinosaurs that inhabited the Earth in the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.

The new record holder has not yet been given a name, but paleontologists have already described its parameters in detail. More than 20 vertebrae, bones of other joints were found.

It is noted that it was a herbivorous dinosaur, the length of the neck of which was compared with similar parameters of a diplodocus. The lizard was the same or slightly larger than similar creatures. However, it is difficult to say what exactly its size was. Everything is just an approximation.

Paleontologists say that many dinosaurs did not stop growing even after death. And this already makes it difficult to determine their exact dimensions. The final answer regarding the size of the lizard can only be given after the discovery of the rest of its remains.

However, scientists do not expect to find a dinosaur of this type of large size. The contenders for the title of the largest lizard turned out to be about the same size. And this again raises the question of how creatures of this size could arise and develop.

Interestingly, previous record holders were also found in Argentina. The first is in 1993 and the second is in 2017. The current find is considered one of the largest.

You can also feel like a paleontologist with game sets where you need to carefully get the bones of a miniature lizard. You can buy such a set on the OXO website in the section "Products for children".
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