Book sculptures:

Book sculptures: "Literary thread" Alexander Corzer-Robinson

16 January 2022, 10:00
A source: ©
An unusual transformation of prints is engaged in the German designer and artist Alexander Corzer-Robinson. Fantasy Cleells turns books in three-dimensional sculptures that can be compared with works of art. To create the next masterpiece, the master requires illustrations from books and tools for jewelry threads.

In his work, Czer-Robinson uses mainly scientific encyclopedias. The artist carefully selects the necessary illustrations, cuts them out and then again collects into a single composition. But already with another sense load. At the same time, new collages retain positions from books-originals.

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After the "upgrade" of the artist flipping the pages of the book will not work. Alexander "seals" them from the inside with the help of glue. This is the essence of all work: the artist's creations receive a new life. Now they become an art object that looks most effectively as decoration on the wall or on the rack. They are no longer a means of obtaining information about the world, but rather a tool of self-knowledge, which helps to reveal the inner "I". It is the opinion that the author of his creations.

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Alexander spoke: "For me, such creativity is associated with the theater of the dolls, which originated in the Victorian era. I use only the material that is in a separate volume. And only by rearrangement I create something completely new. "

On our site a wide selection of book products is presented in the section "Literature".

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