Plastic from sugar: scientists have created an environmentally friendly product

Plastic from sugar: scientists have created an environmentally friendly product

18 January 2022, 21:00
A source: ©
American and British researchers have proposed using sugar-based substances to develop plastic. Such alcohol solutions can sometimes add unique properties to materials.

The development is based on compounds that were created on the basis of sugar alcohol. They are distinguished by the presence of atomic rings, which have sufficient rigidity. They were used as the building blocks of polymers.

The resulting substances received rigidity and plasticity, which is characteristic of ordinary plastic. They were also distinguished by high elasticity, so they could restore their shape after significant deformations.

Remarkably, the obtained characteristics were retained by polymers even after their processing. This indicates that the plastic developed from sugar alcohol can be used repeatedly.

To understand how the atoms in the resulting compounds are arranged, the scientists turned to computer simulations. Then we moved on to creating plastic from different types of compounds - both building blocks. This approach made it possible to measure the mechanical properties, as well as the rate of their degradation.

The new compound opens up bright prospects for scientists to create environmentally friendly plastic that can be recycled an unlimited number of times.

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