Fossil age 164 million years: archaeologists have found a plant of record age

Fossil age 164 million years: archaeologists have found a plant of record age

20 January 2022, 21:00
A source: ©
Chinese researchers have discovered a fossilized plant that leads scientists to interesting thoughts. Ideas about the evolution of individual plant species can be changed.

The find is one of the earliest specimens of a flower bud that "froze" in a fossil plant. Flowers should have developed from it, in which the rudiments of the stem and leaves were present. Similar samples send scientists back to the Jurassic period.

The find is a small process, a little more than 4 cm long. It contains a stem, a leaf branch and a bulbous fruit. There is also an unopened bud, the size of which does not exceed 3 mm.

Recall that there are flowering and non-flowering types of plants. The discovered flower in the fossil indicates that this plant belongs to the first type. They dominated in the Jurassic period.

However, it was previously thought that flowering plants were not observed until the Cretaceous.

The scientists plan to continue the study of the find and further analyze the area where the fossil was found. Perhaps even more stunning discoveries await them.

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