Eccentric Art: Realistic Paintings on Pumpkins

Eccentric Art: Realistic Paintings on Pumpkins

22 January 2022, 9:00
A source: ©
Many of us at least once in our lives carved funny or, on the contrary, frightening muzzles from a pumpkin for Halloween. Agree, this is a very difficult task, requiring time and a certain imagination. But there are people who "conjure" pumpkins not only on the eve of the autumn holiday, but all year round. Do you think this is such far-sighted preparation? No, this is a hobby, the level of which is comparable to real art.

"The Lord of the Pumpkins" was popularly nicknamed Alex Vera. The craftsman carves real masterpieces from the oldest cultures of the Western Hemisphere. Alex's pumpkin paintings are realistic and voluminous. Jewelry work captivates the audience with its versatility.

Ver began creating paintings from pumpkin fruits in 2009. The inspiration for this activity was the wife of the master. The head of her company gave the task: to carve the logo of the company on a pumpkin for the holiday. Alex had some skills since childhood, so he offered his help to his wife.

The craftsman approached the process so creatively that the fame of his creations spread among friends. Alex was able to turn such a seemingly banal work into a popular direction. The master began to receive orders not only from individuals, but also from large corporations.

The master creates paintings not only from real plants, but also on artificial ones. Such a creation can exist without an expiration date. Alex is not afraid of difficulties and agrees to work of any complexity. Alex's collection includes many incredible items. The main theme of the creations is images of famous personalities: heroes from films, comics, cartoons, as well as animals. The master takes 5-6 hours to design one painting.

It is worth noting that Ver is the author of the "4 colors" technique. Alex is working on 4 layers of pumpkin, which have different thicknesses. Thanks to this, images are obtained with a 3-d effect.

Fans buy pumpkin compositions as an exclusive gift and to decorate their home. On our website, an interesting decor is presented in the "Interior" section.

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