Sensitive nose-like humidity sensor: a new development by scientists

Sensitive nose-like humidity sensor: a new development by scientists

23 January 2022, 20:00
A source: ©
Inspired by the capabilities of camel noses, scientists have developed a device that acts as a humidity sensor. After a series of studies, the researchers found that the device is able to record humidity fluctuations in industrial exhaust conditions.

The ability of camels to survive in difficult conditions without enough water is known to all. Thanks to their sense of smell, they easily find a source of water even at a great distance.

Devices that already exist have too low a sensitivity. There are options with sufficient sensitivity, but, as a rule, their work is not correct in sunlight. And this greatly complicates their use in the open air.

The narrow nasal openings of camels resemble scrolls in shape. They are responsible for the large surface area covered with moisture-absorbing mucus. To mimic the structure of a camel's nose, scientists came up with a polymer network with a porous structure. The researchers equipped it with molecules that can attract moisture.

Experiments with the development have shown that the device not only monitors the level of humidity, but also determines the location of the water. In addition, the technology is sensitive to moisture and heat that comes from a person and even responds to finger pressure.

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