Scientists have created a video game that can treat depression

Scientists have created a video game that can treat depression

24 January 2022, 22:00
A source: ©
A group of scientists from the Thymia company have developed a series of video games that help fight depression. At the core is AI technology.

Patients are encouraged to play video games that have neuropsychological implications. These games are designed to capture potentially depressing signals. During the performance of game tasks, the voice, views, expressions, behavioral factors are analyzed. Algorithms also pay attention to the speed of reaction, the presence of errors

After receiving the data, they are compared with benchmarks. Patterns are identified that may indicate the development of depressive states.

The CEO and co-founder of Thymia noted that at the moment, the system for diagnosing neuropsychiatric disorders is not perfect. Doctors do not have enough time to fully analyze each patient. Questionnaires are biased and there is no escort between patient appointments.

The company's platform tries to interpret mental disorders in terms of numerical parameters, as well as physiological conditions.

Thymia is designed to identify patterns in the long run. Patients can play video games between visits. So you can track how efficiently the system works. Whether there are results or not.

Scientists hope that they will be able to help in the diagnosis of specialists who work with patients with prolonged depression. And to do it much faster than modern methods.

You can develop reaction speed, test your memory and attention with video games that are displayed on the OXO website.
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