Swiss archaeologists find Roman gladiator arena

Swiss archaeologists find Roman gladiator arena

27 January 2022, 23:00
A source: ©
Swiss architects have unearthed part of a Roman arena that allegedly hosted gladiator fights.

The ruins of the amphitheater were found during construction in the vicinity of the Rhine River. The dimensions of the discovered stone beams were 50 m long and 40 m wide. The oval remains were located on the territory of an abandoned quarry. Supposedly built in the 4th century AD. e., which made the amphitheater the youngest structure of this type.

Not far from where the ruins were discovered is a late Roman fort that once defined the northern borders of the Roman Empire. Remarkably, in addition to the ruins of the amphitheater, coins were found dating from between 337-341. n. e.

In the southern part of the amphitheater, scientists found a gate, which also had two exits. And on the western side were sandstone blocks. The interior walls of the ruins were plastered. There was also a trace from a pillar, which was supposedly left by the seat or part of the tribune.

According to archaeologists, they already knew about the location of the quarry in this place. But they could not even imagine that such a find awaited them.

Exploration of the discovered area is ongoing. Archaeologists hope that no less interesting discoveries await them soon. It is noted that further findings will be reported in the specialized media.

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