Robot surgeon named STAR performed a complex operation on the intestines

Robot surgeon named STAR performed a complex operation on the intestines

16 February 2022, 19:00
A source: ©
A team of scientists collaborating with Johns Hopkins University has developed an innovative autonomous robot STAR (Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot). The main duty of the device is to perform laparoscopic operations on soft tissues without the help of human hands. The importance of development is difficult to overestimate. STAR performed an anastomosis, a procedure for connecting two parts of the intestine. It is considered one of the most difficult manipulations in the field of surgery. And such an achievement is a global step towards the full automation of medical operations.

“When “suturing” fragments of the intestine, it is necessary to observe absolute accuracy and a stable level of movement. The demonstration of the capabilities of the robot was carried out on 4 pigs. The result shown by STAR exceeded expectations. The device turned out to be more effective than a person in the same conditions,” shared the main initiator of the research Axel Krieger (Associate Professor of the above mentioned university).

The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot is a replacement for the previous soft tissue stapling robot. The disadvantage of the prototype created in 2016 was that it produced a larger incision. Other than that, needed more instruction from the man.

STAR is additionally equipped with a suture tool. Thanks to this, the robot became autonomous and increased surgical accuracy. Clear visibility of the operable area is provided through the introduction of an innovative visualization system.

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