How about a cup of coffee? An Italian woman creates original paintings from the remains of a drink

How about a cup of coffee? An Italian woman creates original paintings from the remains of a drink

17 February 2022, 15:00
A source: ©
Creativity can be traced in the most ordinary situations. Even from a spilled cup of coffee that the Italian artist drank.

Giulia Bernardelli paints with paints that are very similar in color to a spilled drink. By texture, by the presence of glare from spilled water. And to make the drawing look holistic, the artist always puts a cup with the remnants of the drink for photography.

Giulia Bernardelli first sketches with a pencil. Then he proceeds to cover the sketch with watercolors. The Italian gives preference to shades of brown.

Imitation of coffee shades with watercolor paints allows you to make the drawings so realistic and sophisticated that it is immediately clear who their author is. After all, Giulia Bernardelli has recently exhibited in many galleries in Italy.

The Italian draws inspiration for her works from literature, painting, architecture. Fortunately, Italy allows you to fully use the gifts of artists, sculptors and architects of past centuries. But Giulia Bernardelli gets ideas not only from studying these materials. Walks, which the author of coffee drawings regularly conducts, also give a lot.

You can see the works of Giulia Bernardelli on the artist's social networks. There she publishes photos or videos with the sequence of creating her work.

To develop in creativity, it is not necessary to draw coffee or tea. You can use watercolor, gouache, oil or other materials. On the OXO website you will find these and other creative tools.

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