Dishes made from coffee grounds: the development of a startup Kaffeeform

Dishes made from coffee grounds: the development of a startup Kaffeeform

24 February 2022, 12:19
A source: ©
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Environmentally friendly cups made from used coffee grounds are produced by the German company Kaffeeform. The author of the idea is Julian Lerner. Even while studying at design school, he noticed how much coffee his classmates drink. And then he thought that coffee waste could be something useful.

Julien spent about 6 years developing green and waste-free production technology. And today, 20 Berlin caffeine and more than a hundred suppliers from Europe use its products.

To create an innovative glass, a ground of six cups is required. The first stage of the process is the drying of the source material. At Lerner's production, people with disabilities deal with this issue. Thus, Gillian gives an opportunity to earn money to people who cannot find themselves in other areas.

The thick is mixed with plant components: cellulose, beech fibers, as well as biopolymers. Granules are pressed from the resulting mixture. The final stage is the molding of dishes on a special machine. Among the advantages of mugs: light weight, impact resistance and a pleasant coffee smell.

But the main thing is the absence of harmful substances in the composition of dishes and the complete biodegradability of dishes. Kaffeeform started out with espresso glasses, but the company now also makes latte and cappuccino cups.

The creation of the project was carried out without financial support from the state. The project is actively gaining momentum. Over the past year, the startup has released more than 10,000 products.

If you are also a coffee lover, then you can buy cups and glasses, as well as other utensils in this section.

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